Thursday, March 25, 2010

Welcome to THE FUTURE

Evan says
dude a machine that washes your dog has been invented
Evan says
it does not look like it's enjoying it
Scott says
I knew it. 2010 IS the future!
Evan says
but no jetpacks
Scott says
On the contrary:
To be released commercially next year, I think.
Evan says
this is the highlight of my week
Indeed, the future (the present) is a frightening place; people flying around with jetpacks, bears flying around without jetpacks. The 'clown on the wing' scenario is now a very real threat to our safety and sanity.
I found out about The Martin Jetpack via Triple J's Hack, and if I remember correctly they'll cost around NZ$300,000, not including the cost of the training.
Call me crazy, but I think we're going to see a lot of jetpack-based bank robberies in 2011.


  1. I thaught jet packs only ever had something like 40 seconds of fuel...

  2. I understand this one can handle over 30 minutes of sustained flight. And travel over 120km/h!

  3. Thought I'd just officialise it- the salmon scented basket drawing is now my wallpaper at home and work.
